Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Culture of Discipline

Being best in the world requires a lot of work. That is why you have to be passionate about the area in which you are going to become an expert.

Do not worry about finalizing every detail of what you are passionate about. Just start the process. You will use the process to iterate toward your passion and what the brutal facts show you is and is not your future area of expertise.

Step 1:
If you want to be the best in the area you are passionate about and do something you love for the rest of your life, then you have to decide to make it happen. Now is a good time to start.

If there is someone in your firm who is doing what you want to do, approach them and tell them about your passion. Ask them to be your mentor.

Either way you have to find all of the following:
What do experts read every day to stay on top of the area? What are the critical websites?
What books must you read to get the base background information?
Are there classes or seminars that you should take?
Who is regarded as the world’s experts in the area? Where can you go hear them speak or read what they have to say?
What organizations should you join and become active in?
How else can you learn and become a true expert? Think!

At this point we are still not worried about money. The goal is not to become rich. The goal is to do what you love, what you are passionate about, become best in the world and then parlay that into wealth.

Step 2:
Get out there and learn.
Go to every seminar by every important person on this subject that you can until you know that you could give a better seminar on the topic yourself. Then start doing that.

Read every core book on the subject. Read every current journal on the subject. Read ancillary articles and information that might clarify all your options in the area.

Write articles on the subject. Cutting edge forward looking critical thinking articles that show that you understand this information extremely well. Initially, they may only get as far as internal memos to the team. Then perhaps white papers posted on your firm’s internet. Eventually, work to create something that can be published and then co-author articles with an attorney who is well-respected in the field.

Take classes if that will help make you a true expert. Then find a way to teach those classes. First teach internally, then to perhaps junior professionals in a target client, then at a college and finally in a graduate program. Build up your credentials.

Join all of the important associations involved in any aspect of your area of expertise. Become involved. Meet people. Talk about the subject with passion and flair. Ask lots of strong questions. Show those who may need your services that you are passionate about this, that you know your stuff and are interested in knowing everything they know on the subject.

Even if you are shy, when you are in a group that is focused on the things you are passionate about, you will be able to comfortably talk to anyone. It is the fear of being unprepared that stops us from talking to people. Be prepared!

Step 3:
Find work on the sort of matters that you want to spend your life on.

Start by working with your mentor, if you have one, on any case in this area he or she has.

Do a pro bono project for a not-for-profit or charity.

Find small projects with friends you already have or have met in the associations you have joined to get started.

Do a phenomenal, over-the-top, perfect job on everything you do, no matter how mundane. Build your expertise from the ground up.

The ultimate goal as a professional is to establish yourself as the person everyone with a need for what you offer calls first, because you are the best and they know they cannot afford to have you on the other side of the table. You cannot get there overnight, but if you start now you will get there sooner.

We will talk a bit about time management next time.


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